Amid the recent political war of words over his sweater-less walk in Delhi’s freezing cold, Rahul Gandhi, on Saturday, opened up about why he was wearing only t-shirt during the Delhi leg of his Bharat Jodo Yatra. Addressing a press conference on the sidelines of Bharat Jodo Yatra, Gandhi questioned why there was ‘so much disturbance’ about his t-shirt.
“Why is there so much disturbance because of the T-shirt? I do not wear a sweater because I am not scared of winter. I am thinking to wear a sweater once I start feeling cold (sic),” Gandhi said during a press conference.
Slamming the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Rahul Gandhi said that the BJP was his ‘guru’ as the party was teaching him what not to do. “Confused, event-based foreign policy will do country a lot of harm,” Gandhi said, adding that if opposition stands effectively with a vision, it will become very difficult for BJP to win the elections.
“But the opposition has to coordinate properly & the opposition has to go to the people with an alternative vision,” he further said.
Congress will sweep Madhya Pradesh elections: Rahul Gandhi
“There is huge undercurrent against BJP. The fight between BJP and Congress is no more a tactical political fight. Opposition needs a central ideological framework that only Congress can provide but our role is also to make sure that opposition parties feel comfortable,” Gandhi further said. He expressed confidence that the Congress party will sweep elections in Madhya Pradesh as the BJP has come to power in the central Indian state with use of money and power.
“I can give this in writing that Congress is going to sweep the Madhya Pradesh elections. BJP will be seen nowhere. I can guarantee this to you. Every person in MP knows that BJP has formed its government using money,” Gandhi said.