Earlier this month, Bollywood actor Govinda and his wife Sunita Ahuja graced the sets of Kapil Sharma’s chat show The Kapil Sharma Show. On the same, the two shared several unheard stories about their love life, marriage, and other things. And now, one uncensored footage from the show has surfaced online and in the same, the two can be seen talking about flirting and other such things. During the same, Kapil informed Sunita that a female fan is flirting with Govinda and while many thought that her reaction would be predictable, the same left many in splits.
In the video, Govinda revealed that in the initial days, he would have fights with Sunita about her short dresses. The actor told Kapil, “Kahaan main 24 lakh Gayatri mantra, 50 lakh Mahamrityunjay kiya vyakti, 3-4 ghante pooja karta tha, toh maine kabhi socha hi nahi yeh.” (I am a man who chanted the Gayatri mantra 24 lakh times and the Mahamrityunjay mantra 50 lakh times. I would pray for three-four hours every day, I never expected this)
Sunita replied to the same by revealing that she is a Bandra girl and Govinda teased her by calling her Bandra ki Sandra. Later, Kapil wanted to know how Govinda would respond if he was speaking to a female fan on the phone and Sunita asked him about it. “Pooche toh na! Poochti hi nahi hai (She should ask first, she never does),” he replied, and Sunita said that her response to such a situation would be, “Lage raho Munna bhai (Keep at it).”
What comes later was unexpected! Kapil pointed out to a female fan in the audience and told Sunita, “Flirt kar rahi thi Govinda sir ke saath (She was flirting with Govinda).” However, Sunita’s response left Govinda and Kapil in splits. “Itna door baith ke (From so far away)?” she asked.
During the show, Kapil also asked Govinda to name five things he loves about Sunita and the actor replied by saying that while falling in love with her, he didn’t make any list. And as he continued to think, Sunita complained that he could not think of anything positive about her.
Govinda said that one does not love someone just because of their virtues, and if the other person ever makes a mistake, one should forgive them.
The show garnered a lot of viewership because of the feud between Govinda and Krushna Abhishek.