Superstar Rajinikanth is in the headlines because of his upcoming release as he joins forces with the popular director Lokesh Kanagaraj and Sun Pictures for his movie, Coolie. Sun Pictures recently announced another collaboration with Rajinikanth to add to the excitement. On January 11, 2025, they shared a special video on social media, sparking rumours about an official announcement for Jailer 2.
Reports suggest that the teaser for this eagerly awaited sequel will be released on January 14 at 6 pm, just in time for the Pongal celebrations. Fans are anxiously awaiting the teaser, which is expected to give a sneak peek into the follow-up to the hit movie Jailer, directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, which came out in 2023.
About Jailer
The film ‘Jailer’ became immensely popular shortly after its release on August 10, 2023. It received praise from both audiences and critics. The film produced by Kalanithi Maran and his team at Sun Pictures had a production budget of ₹200 to ₹220 crore. It was a significant success, earning approximately ₹605 to ₹650 crore at the global box office.
The story follows Muthuvel Pandian, a retired police officer grappling with a personal tragedy while confronting criminals in a powerful journey of revenge and redemption. Rajinikanth delivers an outstanding performance, and Anirudh Ravichander’s popular music contributes to the film’s success, making it a massive hit.