The star bowler has tied the knot ahead of the Indian Premier League 2025, sharing pictures of his wedding on social media. The bowler, known to be close to Mahendra Singh Dhoni, will be seen playing for Rajasthan Royals instead of Chennai Super Kings in IPL 2025. The player is none other than Sri Lanka’s right-arm off-break bowler Maheesh Theekshana.
Looking at Theekshana’s IPL performance, he has played 27 matches so far. During this period, he has taken 25 wickets at an average of 31.88 and an economy rate of 7.66. His best bowling figures in the league are 4/33, and he has achieved a four-wicket haul only once in the league.
Before IPL 2022, Chennai Super Kings had bought Maheesh Theekshana for 70 lakh rupees. He remained part of CSK in IPL 2023 and IPL 2024. Later, before IPL 2025, Theekshana entered the mega auction held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. During this auction, Rajasthan Royals acquired him for 4.40 crore rupees. Theekshana’s base price was 2 crore rupees. Mumbai Indians also showed interest in buying him during the mega auction, leading to a bidding war between Mumbai Indians and Rajasthan Royals. Mumbai Indians stopped at 4.20 crore, allowing Rajasthan to secure him at 4.40 crore.
In his career, Maheesh Theekshana has played 60 T20 International matches. During these 60 innings, he has claimed 58 wickets. In T20 Internationals, he maintains an average of 26.56 and an economy rate of 6.87. Theekshana has also taken 72 wickets in 50 ODIs and 5 wickets in 2 Test matches.