Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh was booked by the Madhya Pradesh Police for sharing misinformation on the recent Khargone violence. According to reports, Bhopal Crime Branch has registered a case under section 58/22, u/s 153A(1), 295A,465 505(2) of IPC against the former Madhya Pradesh chief minister.
The FIR has been filed after BJP district (Bhopal) president Sumit Pachauri registered a complaint with the crime branch. The crime branch investigated the complaint and later filed an FIR in the matter.
In his complaint, Pachauri has alleged that Digvijaya Singh wants to spoil the communal atmosphere in the state by spreading wrong information.
It should be noted that Singh has been extremely critical of the Shivraj Singh Chauhan government in Madhya Pradesh after the latter ordered the demolition of properties belonging to the accused in Khargone violence.
Khargone incident took place on Sunday when several people, including police personnel, were injured in a Ram Navami procession after a group of people pelted stones at each other. The stone-pelting started at the very beginning of the procession leaving around four people injured including a police inspector, police had said.
After the miscreants set four houses on fire, the administration imposed a curfew in Talab Chowk, Gaushala Marg, and Motipura areas.
On the instructions of the Chief Minister, the district administration and police demolished illegal buildings of miscreants involved in the attack on a Ram Navami procession.
The authorities ran the bulldozer over about 45 houses and shops. Around 16 houses and 29 shops were demolished on Monday.