Former BJP MP Subramanian Swamy lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him tell China to get the People’s Liberation Army out of Indian territory. The remarks came soon after the two countries completed the disengagement process at Patrolling Point 15 in eastern Ladakh. Critics – including the Congress – have however accused the Centre of ‘giving away’ Indian territory to the neighbouring country.
“Modi must tell in simple words: ‘Get PLA out of Indian territory or we shall take time but we will throw them out’. Demonstrate 56” chest or if deflated surrender to China and Qatar as per Adani’s advice,” Swamy tweeted on Friday morning.
“PTs are asking me if I will retaliate against Modi. If I go by Haren Pandeya case then I am two steps away from the same situation as Pandeya was when some outsiders took advantage and killed him. So first I have to ensure no more steps. For that I am contacting my able friends,” the former Rajya Sabha leader had said in a cryptic tweet earlier in the day.
Indian and Chinese armies carried out a joint verification of the disengagement process at PP-15 after withdrawing their troops and dismantling temporary infrastructure from the friction point on Monday. Both sides moved back their frontline troops from the face-off site of PP-15 in the Gogra-Hotsprings area in eastern Ladakh and dismantled temporary infrastructure there as part of a five-day disengagement process.
The disengagement came days ahead of PM Modi’s visit to the Uzbek city of Samarkand for the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Chinese President Xi Jinping is also attending the event.