The Congress party launched its manifesto for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election 2022. The manifesto has been named Unnati Vidhan Jan Ghoshna Patra and it was launched by Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
Speaking on the occasion, Priyanka said she is confident the Congress is going to form the government in Uttar Pradesh. “We have included the people’s suggestions in the ghoshna patra. We have listed in the manifesto how we will develop the state of Uttar Pradesh,” Priyanka Gandhi said.
“All parties release manifestos but we have prepared this Unnati Vidhan on the instructions of Priyanka ji by holding a dialogue with the public,” said Salman Khurshid, senior Congress leader. He added that the party spoke to one lakh people in Uttar Pradesh including common people, labourers, farmers etc to prepare this document.
Here are some of the promises made by the Congress in its UP Election Manifesto:
– Farm loans to be waived off on the lines of Chhattisgarh
– Rs 2,500 MSP for wheat and paddy, Rs 400 for sugarcane
– Rs 3,000 compensation to farmers affected by stray cattle
– Cow dung to be purchased at Rs 2 per kg on the lines of the Chhattisgarh model
– Rs 50 lakh compensation for Covid warriors who lost their lives during the pandemic
– Rs 25,000 for families badly affected by Covid-19 pandemic
– 20 lakh jobs including 12 lakh vacant government positions to be filled
– Outsourcing of employees will be stopped, ad hoc employees will be given regular jobs
– Ad hoc teachers and Shiksha Mitra to be regularised, Sanskrit and Urdu teachers’ vacant positions to be filled
– Power charges to be halved and pending electricity bill of Covid period to be waived off
– Housing for rural and urban poor and middle class
– Filip for small businessmen by creating industry clusters to aid such businesses
– Free education for SC/ST students from KG to Post Graduate studies
– OBC and poor students to get hostel accommodation and scholarships
– Reservation in the promotion to SC/ST government employees
– Salary of school cooks to be increased to Rs 5,000 per month
– Cases against journalists to be withdrawn and those jailed illegally to be released