Bigg Boss 14 ended with a bang when Rubina Dilaik took home the winning trophy and a cash prize of Rs 34 lakh. Though the season was initially not gaining as much traction as the previous season had, it ended up becoming quite a spectacle after Rakhi Sawant swooped right in and saved the day. However, as a whole, Bigg Boss is one of the most-watched reality shows on television.
With Salman Khan as its host, the show keeps the audience gripped with new twists and turns, fights that escalate over a minuscule kitchen drama, contestants becoming friends then enemies then back to friends, violent communication that sometimes ends up in a physical fight, nothing can replace this melodramatic show.
There were several highlighting moments in the last season as Jasmin Bhasin and Aly Goni became a couple, Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla saved their marriage, Rakhi Sawant’s mom was hospitalized, Nikki Tamboli became the unexpected second runner-up, and so on. But the one thing that Bigg Biss brings is fame to all the contestants. Life definitely is not the same anymore when one exits the show.
And now, fans have their eyes on the upcoming season. After Salman announced that commoners will be a part of Bigg Boss 15, it is left to see who all will be in the controversial BB house. But before that, here’s what we know till now:
- Bigg Boss 15 is expected to premiere on October 15, 2021.
- Many celeb couples and ex-couples are reportedly set to appear including Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya. Divyanka is currently shooting for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 in Cape Town.
- Recently, Balika Vadhu fame Neha Marda confirmed that she is a part of BB 15. She was quoted as saying, “I think now after this experience if I go to Bigg Boss, I’ll be a strong contender. If I go on Bigg Boss, I can win the show.”
- Miley Jab Hum Tum actress Sanaya Irani has also been approached to appear
- The registrations had started in February 2021 and will end on May 31, 2021. It is said that those commoners are being chosen who will be recording an audition clip in which they have to entertain the people in their unique style.
- To register for the show, one has to download the Voot app or go to The registration form asks for a few details such as name, mobile number, E-mail address, and the audition video.
- While Rubina emerged to be the winner of the show, Rahul Vaidya ended up becoming the first runner-up. Rahul and Rubina’s husband Abhinav Shukla are now shooting for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 in Cape Town