The incredibly talented actor Akshay Kumar is back in the limelight with his latest film, Bhoot Bangla, directed by Priyadarshan. Shooting began on January 6, 2025, at the Jaipur Bangla, utilizing the iconic sets of Bhool Bhulaiyaa. Fans are excited, mainly because it has been 18 years since this dynamic duo first collaborated on the beloved original Bhool Bhulaiyaa.
In 2007, Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan teamed up to create the movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa, which has since become a beloved classic in Indian cinema. Its popularity has helped it become one of the most successful film franchises in the Hindi industry. Now, 18 years later, they are reuniting for a new horror-comedy, Bhoot Bangla. The film stars Akshay Kumar in the lead role alongside a talented cast that includes Wamiqa Gabbi, Tabu, Paresh Rawal, Asrani, and Rajpal Yadav. The release of the poster has already sparked excitement among fans.
According to reports from Pinkvilla, Bhooth Bangla is being filmed at the exact location as Bhool Bhulaiyaa (2007). They revealed, “Call it destiny, but Bhooth Bangla has got Akshay and Priyan on the same spot as the first Bhool Bhulaiyaa. The team is shooting for a marathon schedule at Chomu Palace in Jaipur. The entire horror unfolds in this palace, and the team is thrilled to be shooting at the same spot after 18 long years.”
They also discussed how everyone in the group would be included in this plan. “The team will be shooting in Jaipur for almost a month and over 60 percent of the film will be shot in the palace. The film marries horror with humour and the madness unfolds in house. There are supernatural elements related to the Bangla, and it’s Akshay’s character who comes to be in the centre of the madness.”
Fans Call It A Prequel Of Bhool Bhulaiyaa
Many fans are eager to see this collaboration and what he brings to the table. However, most fans think it can be a prequel to Bhool Bhulaiya. One eager fan wrote, “In terms of content storyline and performance wise #BhoothBangla is going to be the perfect sequel of OG Bhool Bhulaiyaa.”
Another commented, “BB is currently shooting in the same palace where BB was shoot. Akshay in the lead directed by Priyan with iconic supporting star-cast of Asrani , Paresh , Rajpal . Both movies belongs to horror-comedy genre. #BhoothBangla is the real sequel of #BhoolBhulaiyaa.”
Another excited fan wrote about the similarities, “The same collab of Akshay with Priyadarshan – The same trio of Paresh, Rajpal, Asrani – The same genre of horror-comedy – Shooting in the same palace from Bhool Bhulaiyaa #BhoothBangla seems like the spiritual successor of BB, coming from the same team. Truly excited!”