WhatsApp, Telegram, and Instagram are the most popular apps used by the average person, reflecting their day-to-day activities. However, a shocking report from the Home Ministry has alarmed the nation, revealing that these three apps are vulnerable to risks posed by scammers. According to various reports, The Home Ministry’s report suggests that most fraudulent activities occur through WhatsApp. The annual MHA report 2023-24 reveals that cybercriminals are targeting individuals primarily through these apps. With millions of users and a large number of people using them daily, these platforms become an easy target for online fraudsters.
Most Frauds Happening Through WhatsApp
Cyber fraudsters have been using Google services platforms for initiating these crimes. Google advertisement platform provides a convenient facility for targeted advertisement from across the border. In the first three months of 2024, the government received the highest number of cyber fraud complaints via WhatsApp—43,797 cases. Following this, there were 22,680 complaints related to fraud on Telegram and 19,800 complaints involving Instagram. Home ministry report also indicates that cybercriminals are using Google services to facilitate these crimes, targeting unsuspecting individuals.
Amid the rising cases of cyber fraud in the country, the Home Ministry’s annual report highlights that such crimes are also occurring globally, including activities like money laundering and large-scale cyber slavery. Vulnerable groups, such as unemployed youth, housewives, students, and other financially needy individuals, are often targeted, resulting in significant financial losses.
Government Monitoring Facebook
According to Hindustan Times, I4C has partnered with Google and Facebook for sharing intelligence and signals for proactive actions like flagging digital lending apps and its signals and Abuse of Google’s Firebase domains (free hosting) by Cyber fraudsters, Android Banking Malwares (Hashes) and many others. The report also points out that cybercriminals are launching illegal loan apps in the country through sponsored Facebook ads. To tackle this issue, the government identifies these links and takes action, sometimes instructing Facebook to remove the links in question.
Report also suggest that I4C is making efforts for the capacity building of all pillars of criminal justice system i.e. Law Enforcement Agencies, Forensic Examiners, Prosecutors and Judges for imparting training in cyber security, investigation of cybercrime and digital forensics in institutes across the country.