ivya Agarwal, the winner of Bigg Boss OTT, had a journey full of ups and downs. The show that started with the theme of connections saw Divya entering the house alone. She was later paired with fellow contestant Zeeshan Khan, however, the latter was eliminated for violence. Divya, meanwhile, continued the Bigg Boss OTT journey as a sole warrior, and emerged as the winner of the Karan Johar-hosted show.
Throughout her journey, Divya landed in several controversies, one of which was her fuelled ‘love triangle’ with Shamita Shetty and Raqesh Bapat. While Divya always maintained that she connected with Raqesh as a friend and has a loving partner in Varun Sood outside the Bigg Boss OTT house, Shamita’s reactions, often asking Raqesh to not speak to Divya, fuelled the ‘love triangle’ angle on the show. Asked her to take on all that unfolded as far as the trio is concerned, Divya told Times Now Digital in an exclusive interview that she was “quite normal” and “confident” since she was certain that she hasn’t done anything of the sort.
“Jo kar rahi hu wahi toh dikhega, actions speak louder than words. and I was like I don’t need to justify myself again and again that I have nothing for Rakesh. I was quite confident on our friendship that nothing can go wrong here, even I have a partner outside, even I have people outside waiting for me. It’s ridiculous that people were thinking something like that,” said Divya, who has previously won Ace of Space.
Divya added, “Moreover, they only fuelled it more. Honestly, I did not pump anything into it, even though Raqesh wasn’t talking to me despite being a very good friend since I really connected to him in the first few days, it was hurtful that way. And then the entire thing of trying to break the relationship and something like that when I knew exactly that I wasn’t doing that. So I wasn’t scared of all the comments that were being passed inside the house, it didn’t matter as well,” she said.
The Cartel actress, however, felt hurt when her relationship with Varun was questioned on the show. “It was only a few times that I was hurt when they were questioning my relationship with Varun outside when they don’t even know him and I was like this is crazy,” added Divya.
In the grand finale episode of the reality show, both Divya and Shamita apologised to each other for their conduct and all the hurt they’ve caused one another. Asked about her current equation with Shamita, Divya said, “I don’t know. We stand on a very neutral ground right now. I don’t know how we’ll move forward but I’ll actually wait for her to message me, because I’ve made enough efforts on the show. And if she really wants to, I would love to do that, otherwise, I would treat it like I never met her properly, so it’s okay I don’t keep grudges.”
While the are rumours of Divya entering Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 15, the actress has clarified that there have been no such talks right now.