Arjun Kapoor’s birthday post for Kareena Kapoor arrived a little late but it was worth the wait. On Thursday, the actor posted a belated birthday wish for Kareena Kapoor, who turned 41 on Tuesday, in the form of a throwback picture from the sets of his recently-released film Bhoot Police and accompanied it with an ROFL caption. Bhoot Police starred Kareena’s husband and actor Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Yami Gautam and Jacqueline Fernandez in the lead roles. Sharing a picture from the sets of the film in Dharamshala, where Kareena and Taimur accompanied Saif during the shooting of Bhoot Police last year, Arjun Kapoor wrote: “Happy belated birthday, Bebo! I just wanted an excuse to post this image of Tim, Nawab Saab and Me.”
But as we all know, Kareen, who can be seen sitting in a chair behind Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor and Taimur in the picture, will always be “the centre of attention in every frame,” no matter what, even when she is “out of focus.” And Arjun thinks alike. He wrote: “But we all know even out of focus you shall always be the centre of attention in every frame” and hilariously added: “Here’s to more good times on and off set especially when we make you also do the sequel to Bhoot Police!”
When Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor were filming Bhoot Police in Dharamshala last year, Kareena Kapoor and her BFF Malaika Arora, who is dating Arjun Kapoor, spent some time with the actors in the city. Kareena and Malaika even shared glimpses of their stay in Dharamshala
Kareena Kapoor celebrated her 41st birthday with Saif Ali Khan, Taimur and baby Jeh in the Maldives