Priyanka Chopra continues to make waves in the film industry, not just as an actress but also as a producer. The global star has taken on the role of executive producer for Anuja, a powerful short film directed by philosopher-turned-filmmaker Adam J. Graves. Adding to its acclaim, Anuja has secured a prestigious nomination at the 2025 Academy Awards in the Best Live Action Short Film category.
‘Anuja’ Gets An OTT Release Date
Fans eager to watch the Oscar-nominated short film won’t have to wait much longer. Netflix has officially announced that ‘Anuja’ will premiere on February 5. Sharing the news on social media, the platform described it as “a story of resilience, sisterhood, and hope”, inviting audiences to witness its moving narrative.
What Is ‘Anuja’ About?
Anuja follows the journey of a talented nine-year-old girl and her sister, Palak, who find themselves at a crossroads when faced with a life-changing opportunity that puts their bond to the test. Starring Sajda Pathan in the titular role, the film also features Ananya Shanbhag, Nagesh Bhonsle, Gulshan Walia, and Sushil Parwana, among others.
Priyanka Chopra’s Reaction To The Oscar Nomination
Following the film’s Oscar nomination, Priyanka Chopra took to social media to express her excitement and gratitude. Congratulating the director, cast, and crew, she praised their ability to capture the essence of love, family, and resilience.
She wrote, “Huge congratulations to Adam J. Graves for beautifully bringing this story to life. I’m in awe of Sajda Pathan and Ananya Shanbhag’s incredible performances, which add such depth to their characters.”
This marks Priyanka Chopra’s third production venture to earn an Oscar nomination, following The White Tiger and To Kill a Tiger.
Where to Watch ‘Anuja’ Online?
The much-anticipated Oscar-nominated short film Anuja will be available for streaming exclusively on Netflix starting February 5.