On Sunday, actor Allu Arjun appeared before the police in Hyderabad as part of his bail conditions concerning the Sandhya Theatre stampede case. The incident, which occurred during the premiere of his latest film Pushpa 2: The Rule, led to the tragic death of a woman and left her eight-year-old son injured. Arjun, who was granted regular bail by the court on January 3, was instructed to appear before the Station House Officer (SHO) at Chikkadpally police station every Sunday between 10 am and 1 pm until the charge sheet is filed.
Actor Cancels Hospital Visit To Avoid Public Disruption
Despite plans to visit the hospital to check on the boy undergoing treatment, Allu Arjun canceled the visit following advice from his legal team. The police had raised concerns over the public’s heightened interest and potential disruption to hospital operations, urging the actor to reconsider his plans. The SHO of Ramgopalpet Police Station had instructed the actor’s management to coordinate with hospital authorities to ensure the visit would not inconvenience other patients or cause public disturbances. In the end, Arjun opted to cancel his visit to maintain peace and avoid any further media attention.
Stampede Incident Details
The tragic event occurred on December 4, when a stampede broke out at Sandhya Theatre as fans gathered to see Arjun during the Pushpa 2 premiere. A 35-year-old woman died in the chaos, and her son was injured. A case was filed against Arjun, his security, and the theatre management under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Arjun was arrested on December 13, but was granted interim bail on December 14. His bail will expire on January 10.