Aanand L Rai directorial Raksha Bandhan, starring Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar in the lead roles has released in theatres today, August 11. The film, a social drama, revolving around dowry and its disastrous effects sees Akshay play Lala, a Chandni Chowk chat seller, who has four sisters whom he has to marry off before being able to tie the knot with his own beloved Sapna.
The second film by Aanand L Rai and Akshay Kumar after Atrangi Re, the actor, during promotions of the film revealed what, according to him is the best part of the family entertainer.
In an interaction with ETimes, Akshay revealed, “The best part about the film is its simplicity. I have been saying this is the best film of my career. I am not someone who cries watching films, but this movie has made me cry so much, and it makes you realise that we all have been going so fast that we have forgotten to invest time in our relationships.”
Director Aanand L Rai also added, “I had to lose all my smartness to make this film. I had to unlearn a lot of things to go back to my roots. After this pandemic, I think we all need to understand that life is not about getting bigger in life, it is about making life bigger.”
He further added, “Raksha Bandhan is my answer to myself, that life is not about so many materialistic things around us. It is about people, it is about family. Subconsciously, we all have started taking relationships for granted. Through this film, I wanted to focus on the basic things – the value of time spent with family and time given to relation – ships.”
Akshay also added that while the film highlights the issue of dowry, it is not a preachy endeavour, but has an important underlying message.