Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has recently made headlines with his reflections on Baramati, a stronghold of his family. After losing the parliamentary constituency to his cousin Supriya Sule, Mr. Pawar admitted that it was a mistake to field his wife in the election, a statement that has been interpreted in various ways.
The 65-year-old leader has hinted that he might not run in the upcoming assembly elections, which are scheduled by the end of the year. He expressed a lack of interest in contesting, noting his extensive experience in previous elections.
Addressing His Son’s Political Aspirations
Regarding his son Jay Pawar’s interest in running for the Baramati seat, Ajit Pawar emphasized the democratic process. He indicated that if the people and supporters believe Jay should be a candidate, the NCP parliamentary board would consider it.
Reflecting on Past Election Results
In 2019, Ajit Pawar’s eldest son, Parth Pawar, lost in the Maval constituency to Shrirang Barne of the Shiv Sena by a significant margin. Ajit Pawar’s faction has faced mixed results in recent elections, with the NCP winning only one of the four Lok Sabha seats it contested earlier this year. This outcome is attributed to the public’s reaction to the party split and the alignment of the NCP name with Ajit Pawar’s faction.
Admission of Error
Ajit Pawar’s wife, Sunetra Pawar, lost to Supriya Sule by a large margin in Baramati. Mr. Pawar later admitted that it was a mistake to field his wife against his sister, expressing regret over the decision and acknowledging that it was a misstep.
Speculation on Reconciliation
Mr. Pawar’s acknowledgment of the mistake has led to speculation about a possible reconciliation within the family. However, he has refrained from commenting further on the issue, leaving the situation unresolved.