In response to the ongoing #MeToo movement within the Malayalam film industry, actor-turned-politician Khushbu Sundar has praised the Kerala government’s establishment of the Justice K Hema Committee as an essential step toward addressing sexual harassment and abuse faced by women in cinema. Sundar’s remarks came on Wednesday through her official X account (formerly Twitter), following the release of the committee’s 235-page report, which highlights numerous cases of harassment and exploitation in the industry. This report was published last week after the committee was formed in the wake of the 2017 actress assault case.
The Justice K Hema Committee was created to investigate the systemic abuse of women in the Malayalam film industry, which has been under scrutiny following high-profile allegations. The report documents troubling instances of sexual harassment and exploitation, confirming what many industry insiders had feared. Khushbu Sundar, a prominent BJP leader and former member of the National Commission for Women (NCW), has voiced her support for the committee’s efforts, calling it a crucial measure to confront and dismantle the toxic environment faced by female professionals in cinema.
In her detailed X post, She commended the women who have bravely come forward to share their experiences and advocated for the importance of standing up against abuse. She expressed her frustration with the societal tendency to blame and shame victims, underscoring that while abuse and exploitation are prevalent across various fields, women disproportionately bear the burden of these challenges. She urged for empathy and support for victims, emphasizing that not all women have the privilege or opportunity to speak out.
Sundar confronts past and harassment
She also reflected on her personal experiences, addressing questions about why she did not speak up sooner about the abuse she suffered from her father. She recounted that she was sexually abused by her father at the age of eight, an experience she only began to challenge and confront publicly in her teenage years. Sundar stated that her silence was not a compromise for career advancement but a result of the complex, personal struggles she faced.
Additionally, Sundar shared an anecdote from her early career in South Indian cinema. She recalled a troubling incident involving a producer who made inappropriate advances. Sundar, standing her ground, confronted the producer firmly, demonstrating her resolve against such exploitation. She highlighted the need for both women and men to support each other in the fight against harassment and to create a more protective work environment.
Sundar’s advocacy sparks industry reforms
Sundar’s comments and the Justice K Hema Committee’s report have sparked significant discussion, shedding light on the pervasive issues of abuse within the Malayalam film industry and reinforcing the necessity for continued reforms and support for affected individuals.
As the industry grapples with these revelations, Khushbu Sundar’s advocacy and the committee’s findings are pivotal in driving change and ensuring that the voices of survivors are heard and respected.