The Calcutta High Court launched a scathing attack at the state administration for its failure to prevent the vandalism at RG Kar Medical Hospital. The bench, led by Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam and Justice H Bhattacharyya, was addressing a petition concerning the mob attack on the hospital premises, which occurred during protests over the alleged rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor on August 9.
After the State counsel informed the court that at least 7 thousand people were there at the time of the vandalism incident, the court questioned, “If 7 thousand people had to come, they can’t come on foot” the bench further added, “this is absolute failure of state machinery.”
“Normally, when such a large crowd gathers, the police must be present to manage the situation. If 7,000 people entered, it is difficult to believe that the state is not at fault,” the HC added.
The High Court has affirmed the Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) authority to conduct investigations within hospital premises as necessary. In a recent directive, the court instructed the relevant police authorities and the person in charge to submit a detailed response concerning the incidents of vandalism and other related matters.
It further mandated the state to provide photographic evidence to demonstrate that the crime scene remains intact.
The Calcutta High Court urged that the name, identity and details of the victims should not be circulated.
Opposition parties in the state have slammed the police for failing to take sufficient action during the vandalism and violence at the state-run R G Kar Medical College and Hospital.
On Thursday evening, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee reported that two floors of the emergency ward at the hospital had been destroyed, with medicines looted and infrastructure and equipment significantly damaged.
The protests continued for yet another day as the doctors are demanding severe punishment for the perpetrators and improved security at their workplace.