Aam Aadmi Party MLA Naresh Balyan has been sent to two-days police custody by Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court in connection with extortion case. Naresh Balyan got arrested by Delhi Police Crime Branch . Balyan was produced before the Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi.
Delhi Police posted on their X handle about that arrest and wrote that, “Delhi Police Crime Branch has arrested Naresh Balyan, MLA of Delhi Legislative Assembly in connection with an extortion case. The arrest was made after examination of audio clip having conversation between MLA and notorious gangster Kapil Sangwan.”
While addressing a Press Conference BJP leader Gaurav Bhatia said that, “”AAP has become a party of goons. Gangsters are the biggest supporters of AAP. They openly extort money by threatening the common man under the instructions of AAP MLAs. With the consent of Arvind Kejriwal, AAP MLAs are running extortion rackets by intimidating innocent citizens.”
He further said that, “In an audio clip of AAP’s ‘extortionist’ MLA Naresh Balyan, he is heard talking to a gangster about extorting money from a builder. Is it the job of an MLA, who has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, to threaten citizens and run an extortion racket with Kejriwal’s approval?”