The 16th-century Jama Masjid in Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal City recently became the center of growing controversy regarding its origin. A team consisting of local police and members of the mosque’s management committee reached the location and surveyed it on Tuesday evening. The issue was brought to light after a petition was filed by senior advocate Vishnu Shanker Jain in Sambhal’s Civil Judge court. Advocate Ramesh Raghav was reportedly appointed as the Advocate Commissioner for conducting the survey.
What Is Sambhal Mosque Controversy?
The Sambhal Mosque Controversy revolves around the claim made by Rishiraj Giri of Kela Devi temple and five other plaintiffs. In their petition, they asserted that the mosque was originally an ancient Hindu temple which was allegedly converted into a mosque by Mughal emperor Babur in 1529. It was argued in the court that the temple comes under an Archaeological Survey Of India (ASI) protected area. the petition claimed that the signs and symbols inside the mosque indicate that it was once a Hindu temple.
Local Protests At The Site; Next Hearing On November 29
According to reports, locals protested at the site after the survey team arrived there with the police. The protesters were later dispersed following pacification by the survey team and local MP, Zia Ur Rahman Barq.
The court will hear the matter on November 29, after the initial survey findings are submitted. TOI quoted advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain representing the plaintiffs as saying, “We have made the govt of India, state govt, and the mosque committee parties in the case.”
‘Incarnation Of Kalki Will Happen Here’: Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain
Jain who also represented the Hindu side in the Gyanvapi Mosque case added, “The Harihar temple is the centre of Hindu devotion. According to the faith and beliefs, the incarnation of Kalki will be happening here. Babar converted the temple into a mosque in 1529. We have filed a petition regarding the issue. This is an ASI-protected area with many signs and symbols indicating that there was a temple there. This is the reason that the honorable judge issued an order to constitute an ‘advocate commission’, to conduct a survey through proper videography, and photography & submit a report in the court.”