Ranveer Allahbadia, popularly known as Beer Biceps, faced an incident of hacking when both his YouTube channels were hacked on Wednesday night. The official channel was renamed to ‘Tesla’, and the handle was renamed to ‘@Elon.trump.tesla_live2024.’ Whereas his personal channel was renamed to @Tesla.event.trump_2024.’
Soon after the channels got hacked, all interview videos and podcast posted were deleted. In place of Ranveer’s content, old streams from events graced by popular names such as Elon Musk and Donal Trumph were put on. Now, YouTube has deleted both the channels and the page flashes a message that reads, “This page isn’t available. Sorry about that. Try searching for something else.”
Hours after the unfortunate incident, Ranveer posted a story on his Instagram handle @beerbiceps. With a picture of food, Ranveer wrote, “Celebrating my two main channels being hacked with my favourite food. vegan burgers. Death of Beer Biceps met with Death of diet.” The YouTuber was in Singapore when the incident happened, but clarified that he is back in Mumbai now.
Soon after, he posted another selfie of him wearing an eye mask and questioned, “Is this the end of my YouTube career? Was nice knowing you all.”