Putting an end to all the speculations, actor Alia Bhatt has confirmed her long-due collaboration with Diljit Dosanjh for her upcoming film Jigra. The duo is coming together after 8 long years. They last collaborated for the film Udta Punjab and gave audience a chartbuster Ikk Kudi, which is still fresh in the hearts of people.
The Gully Boy actor took to her Instagram handle and posted a picture that shows her sitting with Dosanjh on chairs, looking at the film’s title written above them. Dosanjh’s chair reads ‘Sings about Kudi’ and Bhatt’s chair has the text ‘The Said Kudi’ written on it.
The news has created a stir on the internet with fans flooding the comment box to express their excitement. While one user wrote, ‘I can’t wait to experience the magic you both are gonna create’, another one said, ‘While the world fights for tickets, she collabs with the man himself.’
The audience can surely expect something phenomenal.
Meanwhile, Dosanjh is gearing up for the India leg of Dil-Luminati Tour. It will kick start at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Delhi from October 26 this year. The tickets for his concerts went on presale on September 10 and were sold out within minutes. People who were lucky to get it could not believe it, but the ones who failed took to social media to express shock and disappointment. One user took to X and wrote, “Sold out (Dil-Luminati Diljit Dosanj concert tickets) are you kidding me? Bas bina black ke Diljit ka tour dekhna tha bhagwan.” Another one wrote, “