In a heartwarming update, Bollywood’s beloved power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have welcomed a beautiful baby girl, on Sunday, September 8. The actress was admitted to Mumbai’s Reliance Foundation Hospital the previous evening, accompanied by her mother Ujjala Padukone. The paparazzi could catch the glimpse of the star-studded couple arriving at the Hospital yesterday only through the curtains of the car.
A day before their arrival, Deepika and Ranveer was spotted at Mumbai’s Siddhivinayak Temple, seeking blessings of Ganpati Bappa. As the news of their daughter’s birth spread today, fans went crazy, flooding social media with congratulatory messages and hilarious name suggestions.
Fans Name ‘Ravika’ For Deepika And Ranveer’s Baby Girl
Looks like fans have already settled for the name ‘RAVIKA’ as the hashtag took the internet by storm today. Many fans are proposing the combined name of Deepika and Ranveer as the perfect name for the newly added member of the Singh family.
But wait, there’s additional baby names suggested by netizens like ‘Ranvika, Deepveer, Erika, Diva, Rashmika’. Well the list of names recommended by fans for Deepika’s baby doesn’t stop here. It looks like fans will keep showering their love on the newborn until the couple reveals their baby’s name.
Couple Hashtag Trends From Brad-Angelina To Virat-Anushka
The baby naming craze reflects a trend seen in previous high-profile celebrity births. The internet has always buzzed with creative ideas of naming the baby after their parents name. The trend of combining and giving hashtags became popular with Hollywood Ex-couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
The trend of merging couple names also became popular with Virat-Anushka, Alia-Ranbir, and Vicky-Katrina, with trending hashtags like #Viruska, #Ralia, and #Vickat. Stay tuned for more creative fusions!