The trailer for Janhvi Kapoor’s highly anticipated film Ulajh has set social media ablaze, with fans and critics alike hailing her performance as Suhana Bhatia—a young diplomat embroiled in a perilous conspiracy.
The trailer showcases Kapoor’s remarkable range, drawing praise from netizens. One enthusiastic viewer tweeted, “An unhinged #JanhviKapoor is all I needed
#ULAJH #UlajhTrailer” reflecting the excitement surrounding her performance.
Another fan expressed admiration for Kapoor’s willingness to delve into diverse genres and roles, commenting, “Janhvi is one of those actress from this generation who is trying every genre I love that about her
P.S Suhana Bhatia is going to be another favorite character of her
#JanhviKapoor | #UlajhTrailer”
Kapoor’s portrayal has also been described as intensely captivating. A viewer tweeted,
“Janhvi Kapoor is redefining acting with her intense performances! She’s a true artist! #Ulajhtrailer”
Others joined the chorus of praise, with comments such as, “Janhvi Kapoor’s performances are a treat to watch! She’s a talented actress! #Ulajhtrailer”
Set to hit theaters on August 2, 2024, the trailer has generated immense buzz, positioning Ulajh as a potential career-defining role for Kapoor. Fans eagerly await the opportunity to see her captivating performance on the big screen.