Legendary Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar’s mother who was 95 years of age, passed away on Sunday (December 26) due to age-related illness. Gavaskar’s mother, Meena, was the younger sister of former India stumper and ex-president of the Bombay Cricket Association Madhav Mantri. Gavaskar was doing commentary in Bangladesh when his mother passed away.
Along with her husband Manohar, Meena played a big role in shaping up Gavaskar’s career in his early days. She is survived by Gavaskar, and her daughters Nutan and Kavita along with three grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Gavaskar used to play with tennis balls as a kid with his mother being the bowler. In one of the instances, the ball hit Gavaskar’s mother’s nose and she started to bleed. While Gavaskar was worried, his mother wiped off the blood and continued to lob tennis balls at her son.