Filmmaker Suneel Darshan recently commented on Karisma Kapoor and Abhishek Bachchan’s fallout. Karisma and Abhishek fell in love in 1997 at the wedding of Raj Kapoor’s grandson Nikhil Nanda with Amitabh Bachchan’s daughter Shweta Bachchan. After being in a relationship for five years, the two decided to take their relationship to the next level. However, a few months after their engagement was publically announced on Big B’s 60th birthday, they called it quit.
Filmmaker Suneel Darshan recently wondered if they were ‘made for each other’ in the first place. Karisma and Abhishek worked together in Haan Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya, which was helmed by Suneel Darshan’s brother Dharmesh Darshan. It is the only film where Karisma and Abhishek shared the screen space.
Recalling the same, Darshan told Bollywood Hungama, “There was a constant bickering… Maybe that’s how some people are ‘made’. I always wondered are they really the made for each other kind of pair? Abhishek is a sweet fellow, and Lolo is a very nice person, but maybe some things aren’t destined.”
Darshan also looked back on the engagement ceremony that was conducted publically, which he also attended. Talking about the same, he said, “The Kapoor sisters were very close, more so because of my respect for Babita ji… I was very fond of her as an actress.”
Till date, Abhishek and Karisma’s break-up remains a mystery.
Abhishek Bachchan is now happily married to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and the couple is blessed with a daughter, Aaradhya. Karisma, on the other hand, went on to marry her former husband, Sanjay Kapur.
Abhishek Bachchan was last seen in Prime Video’s Breath: Into The Shadows. He was also seen in Dasvi alongside Yami Gautam.