Kannada films have taken over the entertainment industry in India like never before. This year has seen several Kannada films which became some of the biggest grossers in the entertainment industry. Notable among them are Yash starrer KGF 2, Kichcha Sudeep’s Vikrant Rona, Rakshit Shetty starrer Charlie 777 and of course Rishab Shetty’s Kantarawhich is steeped in folklore. But which hero do you think ruled the charts?
Ormax Media, the analytic firm which tracks popularity of everything entertainment earlier today shared a list of male Kannada stars and rated them on their popularity. According to the firm, it is KGF star Yash who still rules the list, coming in at number 1 among popular male Kannada stars.
The second place has been taken by Vikrant Rona star Sudeep, while veteran actor Darshan is at number 3. 777 Charlie star Rakshit Shetty has been ranked at number 4.
Rounding off the top 5, interestingly, is Kannada star Rishab Shetty. Despite the film raking in excellent critiques from all quarters, it seems that Rishab Shetty has not been able to top Yash’s popularity among the audience.
The analytic firm also pointed out that Rishab coming in at number 5 is his all-time highest ranking among Kannada stars.
Notably, earlier today, the actor took to social media to celebrate the successful completion of 50 days of Kantara at the box office. The actor-writer-director celebrated 50 days of Kantara at theatres with a heartfelt social media post thanking folk deities Panjurli and Guliga Daiva.
He tweeted, “A moment of divine celebration for us. Thanks to everyone across the globe. It was accepted, owned & lived by each one of us We were truly blessed by the Panjurli & Guliga Daiva. The fury remains undefeated. Wooaaah #Kantara #50DaysOfKantara.”