With the successful conclusion of the 5G spectrum auction earlier this month, India now awaits the roll out of the service. As Union Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said that 5G services will be launched by October 12, PM Narendra Modi shed light on 6G plans for the country.
Even as over a month is left for India to get 5G services, PM Modi on Thursday announced that the Central government is gearing up to start 6G services in the country. This could be done as soon as by the end of this decade, PM shared while addressing the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2022.
“We are also preparing to launch 6G by the end of this decade. We are encouraging Indian solutions in gaming and entertainment. The way the Indian government is investing in technology, every youth should take its advantage,” he said.
PM further asked the youth to take full advantage of optical fiber in every village, launch 5G services, and promotion of the gaming ecosystem.
“India is progressing rapidly through one revolution after another in the last 7-8 years. Today, digital and talent revolutions are taking place here. Aspirations and challenges will bring forth many opportunities for the young innovators in the country,” the PM noted.
5G in India
Meanwhile, 5G services will be launched by 12 October in the country and the Centre is ensuring that the services remain affordable. “Telecom operators are working in that regard and installations are being done. Hopefully, we should be launching 5G services by October 12,” Union telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said.
“We’ll ensure that it remains affordable. The industry is focusing on both urban as well as rural areas,” he added.
Several reports have indicated that the services will be launched in a phased manner and will cover only 13 cities during the first phase. These cities include Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Jamnagar, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, and Pune.