Union Minister G Kishan Reddy criticised the action taken against Telangana BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar after the latter led a protest over the arrest of party workers in Hyderabad. Hitting out at the K Chandrashekar Rao-led government, the lawmaker said that it was ‘unconstitutional’ to stop the rally and arrest the MP.
“BJP State President and MP Sanjay Bandi was arrested after stopping his rally…it is unconstitutional. The questions we are asking about is his (KCR) corruption and ‘Parivar Raj’, he does not have an answer, so his (Bandi) visit was stopped. I want to say that by stopping such rallies, people will not forgive the TRS party even after filing an illegal case against us. BJP will get the full support of people whenever elections are held,” Reddy asserted today.
Kumar had been holding a protest Dharma Deeksha against the arrest of BJP workers in Hyderabad who allegedly attacked MLC Kavitha’s residence on Monday.
The Telangana Police today asked the BJP to stop its Praja Sangrama Yatra immediately, citing the possibility of a breach of peace. The development came hours after the police arrested Kumar who had been leading the padyatra.
“In view of your provocative statements and planned Deeksha with huge gatherings from other districts, there is apprehension of breach of peace in the area resulting in serious law and order problem,” reads the notice.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Hyderabad Police had taken BJP MLA Raja Singh into custody for making an alleged blasphemous remark against Prophet Muhammad. He was later suspended from the party.