Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi’s claim that he wanted to become the vice president of India is bogus and a joke. The Janata Dal (United) leader made the statement a day after Modi said Kumar wanted to become the vice president of India and he broke the alliance with the saffron party after the party failed to accommodate his ambitions.
“You heard a man (Sushil Modi) say that I wanted to be Vice President. What a joke! It’s bogus. I had no such desire,” Nitish Kumar told reporters.
Kumar reminded the BJP that JD(U) supported NDA candidates in the recently-concluded presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
Sushil Modi lambasted Nitish Kumar for partying ways with the BJP and joing hands with Rashtriya Janata Dal, Congress and Left, saying the JD(U) leader insulted Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the people of Bihar who had voted for the NDA in 2020 Assembly elections.
Modi also alleged that Kumar will take advantage of Lalu Prasad’s illness and ditch the RJD and will try to split it.
“We will like to see how the new Bihar government functions with (RJD leader) Tejashwi as de facto CM; it will fall before next polls,” the senior BJP leader said.
Kumar on Wednesday said the BJP should have let Sushil Kumar Modi occupy the CM post post after the 2020 Assembly polls instead of insisting that he run for another term in office.
“He has been a dear friend. Why was he not made the CM? Had he been appointed to the post, things would not have reached this stage,” Kumar told reporters.
Nitish Kumar took oath as Bihar chief minister for a record eighth time on August 10 after snapping ties with the BJP-led NDA and joining hands with the RJD to form a ‘Mahagathbandhan’ government.