Kannada actor Dignath has suffered a neck injury in Goa while performing a backflip. The 38-year-old actor was rushed to a hospital in the city. With his condition said to be serious, his relatives reached out to Manipal hospital in Bengaluru for treatment. Following this, a special jet was arranged with the help of the Goan government.
On Tuesday (June 21), Dignath was airlifted in a private jet and the plane had landed at Bengaluru’s HAL airport around 4:30 pm. An ambulance from Manipal Hospital has shifted the actor to the Manipal hospital. According to the sources, his condition is critical.
As per the sources, the actor was holidaying with his wife in Goa. On Tuesday morning, as part of his daily workout routine, he performed a backflip but unfortunately landed on his head and suffered a severe neck injury.
Earlier, the actor suffered an injury on his right eye during the shoot of the Hindi film, Ticket to Bollywood in 2017. In the incident, his cornea was damaged when a stilleto had hit him on the sets of the film.
Dignath made his acting debut in 2006. Following this, he starred in more than 35 films, including lead roles in films such as Pancharangi and Galipata. He has also made cameo appearance in Mangaru Male. He is currently awaiting the release of the Gaalipata 2, which is set to hit theatres on August 12.
The actor is married to Aindrita Roy.