After BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale wants Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray to apologise to north Indians for past attacks.
Earlier, BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh had asked MNS chief Raj Thackeray to apologise to north Indians before he comes to Ayodhya and also said that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath should not meet him.
Raj Thackeray is scheduled to visit Ayodhya on June 5.
“He should first apologise to north Indians against whom he has spewed venom and then come to Ayodhya. If he comes without apologising, I will oppose his visit,” said Singh.
He further warned that the MNS chief would not be allowed to enter the city till he tendered a public apology for humiliating north Indians.
Singh, who is BJP MP from Kaiserganj in Uttar Pradesh, also alleged that Raj Thackeray had always opposed north Indians and even attacked them in Maharashtra.
However, BJP MP from Ayodhya Lallu Singh said that anyone who comes to seek the blessings of Lord Ram is welcome.
He also said that there are many other parties and leaders who have spoken against Lord Ram and Ayodhya from time to time but they have never been stopped from entering the town.
On Wednesday, senior BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis said that MPs of his party should not oppose the MNS chief’s coming to the temple town.
This is probably the first time a senior BJP leader publicly endorsed Raj Thackeray’s proposed visit to Ayodhya.
“BJP MPs should not oppose MNS chief Raj Thackeray’s proposed visit to Ayodhya. Anyone can visit Lord Ram and seek his blessings,” said Fadnavis.
While Raj Thackeray has not yet reacted to Singh’s statement, the MNS had said the BJP MP does not speak for the entire Uttar Pradesh.