Amid the news of electric vehicles catching fire across the country, Ola chief executive officer (CEO) Bhavish Aggarwal has informed his management that he will step away from day-to-day operations of many of the company’s core businesses. In an internal note, Aggarwal said that he will be focusing on the engineering, product and team building of future businesses like EVs and quick commerce.
Ola group’s chief financial officer (CFO) Arun GR will now step into the shoes of Aggarwal to “drive the day- to- day operations” across the group. Arun is also the CFO at Ola Electric besides heading Ola Financial Services, the company’s fintech arm, on an interim basis.
Aggarwal’s email to employees
“I’ll be spending more time with all engineering functions, team building, and on product,” Aggarwal said in his email sent to all employees on March 29, reviewed by Economic Times.
Aggarwal informed that he will also be increasing focus on their long-term strategic projects including new 2W (two-wheeler) products, car project, innovations in quick commerce, electrifying ride hailing, our (battery) cell R&D and factory, international expansion, building out our Pune tech centre and Futurefoundary, UK and more.
The announcement comes amid news of the newly launched Ola electric scooter catching fire on March 27 in Pune, after which many users raised concerns about the scooters. Ola Electric is probing the issue and is yet to find the root cause of the problem.
Ola to acquire Avail Finance
Meanwhile, Ola is set to acquire Ankush Aggarwal’s Avail Finance for $50 million in a share swap deal. The Ola Financial, after the merger, is likely to be headed by Ankush, brother of Ola CEO Bhavish. The company’s board has given its nod to the related party transaction.
The development came as the SoftBank-backed firm was in talks to list on the bourses this year. It now aims at raising a new round of funding at a lower valuation. Ola presently has 9 per cent stake in Avail Finance and had invested in the firm 3 years ago.