Ever since its premiere, Anupamaa has been ruling the TRP charts and impressing the audience with its storyline. The TV show stars Rupali Ganguly in the lead role along with Gaurav Khanna, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma Chakraborty, Paras Kalnawat, Anagha Bhosale, Nidhi Shah and more. Rupali, who is already very popular, has now reportedly become the highest-paid actress in the TV industry.
The stunner has left behind many famous male actors of the TV world like Ram Kapoor and Ronit Bose Roy. As per a report, Rupali earns Rs 3 lakh per day.
Talking about the same, a source told Bollywood Life, “Rupali Ganguly started with a fee of Rs 1.5 lakh per day. This is the highest category, but she is also a senior actress. Now, she is earning Rs 3 lakh every day. She has become the highest-paid actress on Indian TV. She has left behind other popular young celebs associated with this business.”
Meanwhile, Rupali’s co-stars Sudhanshu and Gaurav earn Rs 1.5 lakh per episode, as per the same report. Rupali, who has been a part of the TV industry for decades, rose to fame by playing the role of Monisha in the 2004 comedy sitcom, Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai.
Those who don’t follow Anupamaa regularly should know that the show narrates the story of a housewife who decides to lead her life on her own terms after her husband cheats on her with his colleague. It is woven around Rupali’s character and how she rises from the ashes to establish herself as an independent woman. Currently, Rupali’s on-screen chemistry with Gaurav has become the talk of the town and fans are loving their pairing.
Apart from her show, Rupali often hogs the limelight for her social media uploads. The actress is very active on Instagram and her photos and videos often go viral. She has a following of 2.3 million on the platform and the diva knows how to keep her Instafam entertained.