TV actress Sayantani Ghosh got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Anugrah Tiwari on Sunday. She shared pictures from her engagement ceremony and also shared pictures of her ring. Posting the album on her Instagram profile, she wrote: “The best thing in life is to hold on to each other and here we are about to begin a new chapter in our lives. As we start our new journey, we have had an eternal blessing by my dida. The saree and my bangles that I’m wearing were given to me by her and it feels like she was a part of our celebration last night. Thank you Parama Ghosh for helping me with styling the blouse so last minute.”
The comments section of the actress’ post was filled with congratulatory messages from her Instafam. Actor Rohit Bose Roy wrote: “Congrats guys! Can’t wait for you all to get back so we can all celebrate it.”
Sayantani, who has been dating Anugrah Tiwari for over six years, frequently shares pictures with her boyfriend on social media, accompanied with mushy captions.
On the work front, Sayantani Ghosh was seen in the TV show Naagin 4: Bhagya Ka Zehreela Khel. She has been a part of shows like Sanjivani 2, Kumkum – Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan, Sasural Simar Ka, Qubool Hai and Santoshi Maa, to name a few. She also participated in TV reality shows Bigg Boss 6, Nach Baliye 6 and Dare 2 Dance.