Navjot Singh Sidhu was an integral part of Kapil Sharma’s comedy show. Earlier, he was seen in Comedy Nights with Kapil, and later, when the show changed the channel and its name, the politician was seen in The Kapil Sharma Show as well. His laughs, Shayari, and everything was loved by the viewers and he was often seen cracking jokes with the guests and Kapil. But, following his controversial remark on the Pulwama Terror Attack (In February 2019), he was replaced by Archana Puran Singh on the show.
And ever since Archana has taken over the seat of Navjot, she is often jokingly attacked for taking the politician’s place. Recently, Navjot resigned from the position of Punjab Congress Chief (PCC) and the same led to several memes on social media featuring Archana. Many social media users claimed that now Navjot will return to The Kapil Sharma Show and take over his seat.
Now, in an interview, Archana addressed these memes and said that if Navjot would like to return to the show, she will happily leave the place and focus on other projects. While talking to Etimes, Archana said, “This is a joke that’s cracked on me for many years now. I don’t care and I don’t take it seriously at all. And if Sidhu would seriously re-enter the show in my place, I will have many other things to do, which I have refused in the past few months. Since I am shooting for two days in a week for the show, I can’t take up any assignment, which is out of Mumbai or India. In the past few months, I got several opportunities to shoot in London and other foreign countries but I had to say a no because of my commitment to the show.”
Not just that, Archana also talked about the times when she is trolled for doing nothing on the show and just laughing. The actress said that it is a task to come up with gags every day and keep the show running for the last 10 years and added, “but all those who feel I don’t have anything to do in the show should come on the sets to see how it is not easy to sit 6-7 hours in a particular position, facing the stage. I have to constantly sit in an angle for 4-7 hours on that sofa and face the stage, listen to every joke that’s cracked, and then react to it.”
The Kapil Sharma Show also stars Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda, Bharti Singh, and Chandan among others.