Shehnaaz Kaur Gill, who is popularly known as Punjab Ki Katrina Kaif, won millions of hearts as a contestant in Bigg Boss 13. From her cute camaraderie with co-contestant Sidharth Shukla to her funny antics, the audience loved everything about her. Even till date, her clips from BB13 house are doing rounds on social media. The way she unabashedly expressed her feelings for Sid and portrayed her true self in every situation is still remembered by her fans.
In the last few months, Shehnaaz has featured in several music videos and ads. But what made the most headlines was her massive weight transformation. While most people were binge-eating during the lockdown, she was working on her diet and eating controlled meals to reduce extra kilos from her waist. She lost close to 12 kgs by just working on her diet and making a few lifestyle changes. She went from fat to fit within a few months and stunned fans with her toned-down avatar.
In the last few days, she has shared several gorgeous snaps from various photoshoots. Scroll to see!
Shehnaaz once shared her diet plan on a YouTube video and claimed that it helped her lose weight quickly. “My team keeps telling me to stop taking sugar and salt. But all that is bakwas (useless). It’s important to keep a check on the quantity. You soon get into a habit of eating less and that’s the key to shed the extra weight,” she had said while adding that she has moong for breakfast with tea, dal, chawal, and sabzi for lunch and just milk for dinner.
In another interview, she shared that has doesn’t eat non-vegetarian food items, chocolates and ice creams now. And, besides that, she has reduced the portion of her meals by half to reduce weight. She doesn’t go to the gym for workouts but she dreams of owning a house one day that has a private gym in it. Probably, that’s when she might start working out.
On the work front, Shehnaaz will be next seen in Honsla Rakh. The film is directed by Amarjit Singh Saron and produced by Daljit Thind and Diljit Dosanjh. It stars Diljit with Sonam Bajwa and Shehnaaz. The film’s shooting took place in Canada.