Rani Rampal-led Indian women’s team suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of Argentina in the semi-finals of the prestigious event at the Tokyo Olympics 2020 on Wednesday. The Indian women’s team reached new heights by ending their semi-final drought for the first time in the history of the Summer Games at the 2020 edition of the Tokyo Olympics. Rani and Co. had entered their first semi-final after upstaging the mighty Australian side in the quarter-final of the women’s hockey tournament at the Summer Games 2020.
Indian women’s team was upstaged by Argentina in the semi-finals of the women’s tournament. Though the Indian women’s team recorded a 2-1 defeat, the Rani-led side made the entire nation proud by entering the last four of the women’s tournament. From Prime Minister Narendra Modi to veteran Test cricketer VVS Laxman, a host of celebrities and well-known personalities congratulated the women’s team for scripting history at the Summer Games 2020.
Taking to Twitter on Wednesday, Indian Prime Minister Modi lauded the women’s team for playing the semi-finals with grit and showcasing great skill. “One of the things we will remember #Tokyo2020 for is the stupendous performance by our Hockey teams. Today and through the Games, our Women’s Hockey team played with grit and showcased great skill. Proud of the team. Best of luck for the game ahead and for future endeavours,” PM Modi said in his special message. PM Modi also had a telephone conversation with captain Rani and the women’s team’s head coach Sjoerd Marijne after the match.
In the penultimate clash of the women’s tournament at the grandest stages of them all, Rani and Co. stunned the Argentina side by taking an early lead in the first quarter. However, Argentina made a brilliant recovery by cancelling out Gurjit Kaur’s opener in the next quarter. Argentina captain Maria Barrionuevo’s scored a match-changing brace to take her side to the final of the Tokyo Games 2020. Indian women’s team will play Great Britain for the bronze medal match.