The Samajwadi Party (SP), led by Akhilesh Yadav, will on Thursday take out a cycle yatra against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Uttar Pradesh and at the Centre. Cycle, notably, is the election symbol of the party and the SP yatra comes ahead of the 2022 Assembly elections in the state. SP leaders and workers will ride cycles at Tehsil level across UP.
The party on its Twitter handle said its chief Akhilesh Yadav will in Lucknow lead the protest. The party will take out a “cycle yatra” at the tehsil-level in all districts on Thursday, the birth anniversary of SP leader Janeshwar Mishra.
Inflation, crime, women’s safety, corruption, law and order, unemployment, the issue of OBC reservation, release of SP founding member and Member of Parliament Azam Khan are the main issues that the SP is taking out its yatra over.
Akhilesh Yadav’s cycle yatra will be flagged off by his wife Dimple, who will show the green signal. Yadav’s cycle journey will start from the SP office on August 5 at 10 am. As many as 2022 cycles will be taken out in the yatra.
The cycle journey will be about 6.5 km from the SP office to the Janeshwar Mishra Park, where Yadav will garland the statue of Janeshwar Mishra. The cycle yatra is being taken on the birth anniversary of Janeshwar Mishra.
Route of Akhilesh’s cycle journey: SP Office – Vikramaditya Marg – Loreto Square – Kalidas Square – Jiamau – 1090 Square – JP International Center – Siraj Cafe – CMS Square – Dayal Square – Janeshwar Mishra Park.
On Tuesday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi rode a bicycle to Parliament in protest of rise in fuel prices particularly petrol which has crossed Rs 100 per litre mark in various parts of the country.