Two years ago, Hina Khan walked the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival for the first time. The actress, who rose to Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, was on cloud nine as she was there to unveil the first look of her film Lines. Fans showered Hina with love as she presented her film’s look at the international film festival. Hina, known as a fashionista, left everyone jaw-dropped with her Cannes red carpet look as she carried her outfit with ease.
2 years later, Hina’s film Lines was released on an OTT platform. The film, co-produced by her BF Rocky Jaiswal, is streaming on Voot Select. And during the film’s promotion spree, Times Now Digital did an exclusive interaction with Rocky.
In conversation with us, Rocky revealed people’s reaction to Lines‘ first look at Cannes, Hina’s experience of attending the French Riviera, and how people are treated the same at the festival.
Talking about their film making it to the prestigious film festival, Rocky said:
Summing up their whole experience at Cannes, Rocky said it was a phenomenal experience for all of them.