Popular comedienne, host and actress Bharti Singh started her showbiz journey with the stand-up comedy reality series The Great Indian Laughter Challenge. She went on to become a household name, all thanks to her notorious character Lalli. Then to now, Bharti has come a long way in her life. Over the years, the 37-year-old comedienne has won the hearts of TV viewers with her comedy. But life was not the same for her when she started her career.
In her recent podcast with TV and film actor Maniesh Paul, The Kapil Sharma Show actress opened up about her life struggles. Bharti and her family faced extreme poverty during the former’s childhood. The comedienne revealed she sometimes felt like never going home because of the poor financial conditions.
In Maniesh’s hour and a half long podcast, the actor revealed how he and Bharti did not have enough money for their houses’ down payment. Further in the conversation, Maniesh revealed he helped Bharti by giving him Rs 10 lakh for the down payment of her home.
Narrating the incident, Bharti recalled asking for money, “Maniesh 10 lakh chahie (Maniesh, I need Rs 10 lakh). He said I will give you but I will need it later. I said I will pay you later. We took money from each other to build our homes.” Bharti said she will never forget that moment in her life. It was after this incident that Bharti and Maniesh’s friendship grew strong. Bharti now owns several properties in Mumbai and leads a lavish lifestyle.
Further in the podcast, Bharti also shared how there were days when they would not have vegetables at home. “We would make black tea and eat with parathas. Or eat roti and salt.”
Meanwhile, Bharti recently confirmed the new season of the popular comedy show The Kapil Sharma Show. Bharti posted a video with TKSS co-stars Krushna Abhishek and Kiku Sharda on her social media handle to tell the same.
While Bharti, Krushna, Kiku Sharda, Sumona Chakravarti, and Chandan Prabhakar are sure to star in the upcoming season, rumours of Archana Puran Singh not being a part of TKSS surfaced online. Archana, who is the permanent guest of the show, refuted the ongoing speculations. Archana also revealed she is looking forward to being a part of the upcoming season.