Hours after Uttar Pradesh ATS arrested two terrorists belonging to Al Qaeda’s UP module from Lucknow’s Kakori on Sunday, ADG Law & Order Prashant Kumar said they had human bomb training.
Two pressure-cooker bombs, a detonator, and 6 to 7 kilograms of explosives were recovered from their hideout.
UP ATS had received information that the arrested terror suspects were planning to carry out some major terror incidents in the state.
Two terrorists linked with al-Qaeda’s Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind
“ATS UP has uncovered a big terror module. The team has arrested two terrorists linked with al-Qaeda’s Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind. A cache of arms, explosive materials recovered: Prashant Kumar, ADG Law and Order, UP, on Lucknow ATS’ operation in Kakori today,” he added.
The two arrested have been identified as Maseeruddin and Minhaj and searches are underway to nab their associates.
“Al Qaeda is a Sunni Islamic terrorist organisation founded in 1980. The UP Module is handled by Umar Halmindi, who is active near the Pak-Afghan border in areas like Quetta and Peshawar. Halmandi recruited few people in Lucknow, radicalised them and raised the module which comes under Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind,” the UP ADG said.
Planned to target a BJP MP, some senior BJP leaders
He further said that a case is being registered by ATS and the accused will be produced before the court.
The UP ATS is also investigating those who supplied the ammunition and explosives.
The search operation was started after the ATS got information of two suspects in Faridipur, Kakori’s Dubagga area. A team led by IG ATS, G.K. Goswami, closed in on their location and arrested the two from a house that belongs to one Shahid.
As per the preliminary investigations, the two terrorists planned to target a BJP MP and some senior BJP leaders in Lucknow.