In a piece of sad news shared by Bollywood actor Anupam Kher, his film The Kashmir Files‘ line producer Sarahna has died by suicide. Anupam took to Instagram and remembered Sarahna with a heartbreaking note. As per the information, Sarahna hanged herself on June 30. Anupam received a message from her phone which was sent by her mother. The actor also shared a screenshot of the same in his post.
In his long note, the A Wednesday actor recalled the time when the team celebrated late Sarahna’s birthday on the sets of the film while shooting in Uttarakhand. Anupam informed Sarahna went to her hometown in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh after the nationwide lockdown was announced last year.
Sharing a picture of Sarahna with her pet dog, Anupam penned, “This is #Sarahna. She was the line producer of #KashmirFiles when I was shooting for the film at Dehradun & Mussoorie. The unit celebrated her birthday on Dec 22nd last year at the location. After the shoot she went to her hometown in Aligarh because of the lockdown. She was bright, brilliant, helpful and excellent at her job. She messaged me on my mother’s birthday to wish mom from her side. I called her and spoke to her and passed mom’s blessings to her.”
Further in his note, a heartbroken Anupam revealed he got the news of Sarahna’s demise on July 8. The actor prayed for the deceased family. “And today I got a message (4th pic) from her phone which really shook me and saddened me deeply. Spoke to her shattered mother,” he wrote.
On a concluding note, Anupam asserted how depression is affecting the younger generation “drastically.” “This depression really is effecting the younger generation drastically. I pray for her soul and hope her mother and brother #Antriksh can deal with this loss. It is so sad!! #OmShanti @the_soulflower #MentalHealthMatters,” he concluded.
The Kashmir Files is directed and written by Vivek Agnihotri. The film tells the story of the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, which is scheduled to release on the occasion of Independence Day, i.e, August 15