Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal just gifted himself a swanky car. The Raazi actor has become a proud owner of an expensive four-wheeler. Taking to Instagram, Vicky shared a pictorial update as he posed beside his new car, smiling ear-to-ear. While he introduced his new purchase to fans and followers, the actor already took it out for a spin when he visited his girlfriend Katrina Kaif’s home on June 29.
The actor visited Katrina’s residence at night and was clicked by the paps while leaving in his car. Vicky, who often gets spotted outside the actress’ building, did not interact with the photographers who were stationed outside.
Talking about his latest purchase, Vicky’s Land Rover Range Rover car is worth over Rs 2 crore. As per, it is a 5-seater Luxury available in a price range of Rs. 2.10 – 4.38 crore. The SUV is available in eight variants.
“Welcome Home buddy! Thank you Navnit Motors Jaguar Land Rover Mumbai, for an amazing experience. @landrover.navnit motors @landrover_in,” the actor wrote in the caption. Vicky was seen looking his casual best in a rust sweatshirt, jeans, and colourful sneakers. His chunky Nike sneakers are priced at Rs 21, 610. Looks like he is quite a sneakerhead as well!
Celebs including Sayani Gupta, Nimrat Kaur and Amruta Khanvilkar, among others congratulated the actor on adding another feather to his cap. “Stunner,” commented Sayani and Amruta wrote, “Beastssssss
On the personal front, Vicky and Katrina have been making waves on the internet because of their relationship. The couple remained tight-lipped about their romantic relations but it was Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor who confirmed their relationship rumours in an interview.
When asked “Which industry relationship rumour he believes is true or a PR move?”, Harsh replied, “Vicky and Katrina are together, that’s true”
Vicky will be next seen in –
- Sardar Udham Singh – a biographical film about Udham Singh, a revolutionary freedom fighter best known for assassinating Michael O’Dwyer of Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
- Sam Bahadur – based on war hero Sam Manekshaw.
- The Great Indian Family opposite former Miss World Manushi Chhillar.