The Delhi High Court asked the Aam Aadmi (AAP)-led state government if it is in a position to provide people with the second dose of coronavirus vaccine Covaxin within six weeks of them taking the first jab and if not then why was it why starting vaccination centres with so much “pomp and splendour”.
Justice Rekha Palli issued notice and sought the stand of both the Centre as well as the city government on two pleas to provide second dose of Covaxin before the expiry of the six-week period to those who got the first jab.
On Tuesday, AAP’s Kalkaji MLA Atishi requested the Centre to supply Covaxin doses for the youth of the city “at the earliest” as from June 2, they would be eligible for the second dose as well.
“Delhi has still not received vaccines for its youth. On Wednesday, those who got their first dose in May will be eligible for their second dose as well,” Atishi said. She said the Centre’s assurances of providing the doses for the 18-44 age group on June 10 is “very far”.
“As per the central government, we will get the vaccines for the youth on June 10. But June 10 is very far, especially for the youth who would have to come out of their homes as the unlocking process begins. We hope that the central government will listen to the youth of the city and deliver the vaccines at the earliest,” the MLA said.
The vaccination drive for the 18-44 age group has been suspended in Delhi for nine straight days due to the shortage of jabs.
In its efforts to expedite vaccination for the eligible population at the earliest, the Centre has allowed technology to two PSUs — Indian Immunologicals Ltd (IIL), BIBCOL and state-owned Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited — for the production of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin.