Renowned Indian wrestler, Sushil Kumar, continues to get into deeper trouble with the police in relation to the Chhatrasal brawl that resulted in the death of a junior wrestler, Sagar Rana. After visuals of Sushil hitting Rana went public on Thursday, the two-time Olympic medal winner has been taken to Chandigarh after being charged by the Delhi Police crime branch.
Sushil was on the run soon after the demise of Rana. The Delhi Police finally nabbed him from Mundka in West Delhi and sent him to 6-day custody. During the interrogation, Sushil admitted that he wanted to teach Sagar a lesson and was recording the video to send a warning to those people who lay a finger on him.
The wrestler, however, maintained that he didn’t want to kill Rana but only bash him. The Police have since also been on the lookout for people who have Sushil and were involved in the case. The veteran wrestler has reportedly taken the name of a few people who live in Chandigarh and Haryana. The police, hence, decided to take him to Chandigarh for further investigation into the matter.
As per sources, Sushil was taken to Chandigarh with heavy security. The cops are looking for those people named by Sushil during the interrogation that gave him shelter while he was on the run and also provided him with the weapons for the Chhatrasal brawl.
The police have had to keep Sushil’s security tight since his arrest as there are suggestions of his life being under threat gangster Kala Jathedi. The police are also investigating Sushil’s links with the underworld while also trying to get a deeper understanding of the wrestler-underworld nexus that runs in New Delhi.
As per the police, Sushil and his two friends abducted Sagar on May 4 and brought him to Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium. Sushil and Sagar were at loggerheads over a flat in Model Town where the latter was living on rent with one of his friends. Sagar was hospitalised after sustaining grave injuries in the brawl but couldn’t survive