Actress Pooja Hegde, who has recently recovered from COVID-19, on Thursday, shared an informative video with her fans on Instagram teaching them the right way to use a pulse oximeter. “Yes, there is a right way,” she said in the video. Pooja Hegde can be seen giving a stepwise tutorial on using the pulse oximeter in the video. She also shared all the necessary details that patients should consider before checking their oxygen levels on the pulse oximeter. “Hope this helps. When I was down with COVID-19 and home quarantined, I was told to monitor my O2 levels very closely,” she wrote in the caption of her post. The actress further shared that she did not know the correct usage of an oximeter when she was suffering from COVID until her doctor told her. “I didn’t know there was a right way to do it until my doctor told me. I hope this helps. No detail is too small in our efforts to fight this disease. Stay safe everyone,” Pooja Hegde wrote.
The fans of the actress reacted to the post and dropped many comments on it. “Thank you very much,” an Instagram user commented, while another one complimented her and wrote: “So cute, beautiful.” Most other fans left heart emojis in the comments section of Pooja Hegde‘s post.
Pooja Hegde had contracted COVID-19 last month and she recovered from it on May 5. The actress shared the update about her recovery with her fans through an Instagram post, in which she shared a picture of herself. “Thank you for all the love ya’ll have sent my way. I have recovered well, kicked stupid corona’s butt and finally tested NEGATIVE,” she wrote in the caption of the post.
Pooja Hegde is mainly known for her work in the South cinema. Some of her credits include Maharshi, Mugamoodi and Mukunda. The 30-year-old actress has also appeared in Bollywood films like Mohenjo Daro and Housefull 4. Pooja Hegde has an impressive array of work lined up for her which includes the much-awaited romantic drama Radhe Shyam co-starring Prabhas. She will also be seen in Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus co-starring Ranveer Singh.