A week ago, Telugu actor Allu Arjun had informed his fans and followers on social media that he had tested positive for coronavirus and was isolating himself at home. The actor seems to be making the most of this time by creating some amazing memories with his family, albeit from a distance. Allu Arjun’s wife Sneha Reddy and his children, too, seem to be helping him stay in the best of spirits during these trying times. The Arya star gave us a look at how the family was supporting each other in his latest Instagram stories. A new video shows Allu Arjun’s daughter, Arha, turning chef for her dad.
In the clip, the little one can be seen standing on a stool and making the dosa from a safe distance. Sharing the video, he wrote, “Special dosa for nana (father).” Referring to her dosa making skill, Allu Arjun further wrote, “Inspired by Nana’s dosa step I guess.” Arha had previously referred to her father’s signature step from the song Ramuloo Ramulaa as the “dosa step”.
Previously, the actor had given his fans an update on his recovery. On Instagram, he shared a post that said, “Hello everyone. I am doing well with very mild symptoms. Recovering well and nothing to worry. I am still in quarantine. Thank you so much for all the love you have been showing and the prayers you have been sending my way.”
The 38-year-old actor also shared an image of the final dish with his fans. “Most unforgettable dosa ever by Arha,” the proud father wrote, adding a heart emoji.
On April 28, the actor had shared the news about his COVID-19 diagnosis and wrote on social media, “Hello everyone, I have tested positive for COVID. I have isolated myself at home and have been following all the protocols. I request those who have come in contact with me to get tested. Stay home, stay safe and get vaccinated when you get the chance. I request all my well-wishers and fans not to worry about me as I am doing fine.”
Allu Arjun is best known for his work in films such as Bunny, Arya, Arya 2, Desamuduru, S/O Satyamurthy. He will be seen next in the movie Pushpa, later this year. The film is being directed by Sukumar and also features Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil in an important role.