Actor Aniruddh Dave, who has COVID-19, is currently in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Bhopal and his wife, actress Shubhi Ahuja, has to leave their 2-month-old baby back home in Mumbai to visit the actor in the hospital. She’s “having the toughest time of her life” and in an Instagram post on Saturday, she appealed to the actor’s fans to pray for him. Aniruddh Dave tested positive for COVID-19 a week ago when he was shooting for a show in Bhopal. Sharing a picture of the actor with their baby son, Shubhi Ahuja wrote: “While I am on the way to Aniruddh, who is critically suffering at the moment…I had to leave back home my 2-month-old Anishq and this definitely the biggest challenge I have faced as he, on one side, is dependent on me as I was nursing him and on the other side, I need to be beside Aniruddh as well… Having the toughest time of my life.”
She added: “Please pray, I request every dear ones, our friends, family, colleagues, fans of Aniruddh. Is waqt mere Aniruddh aur Anishq ke Papa ko aapke prayers ki bahut bahut zarurat hai… hum sab milkar usko theek kar sakte hain… aap sab uski well-being ke liye pray kare.” See what Shubhi Ahuja wrote for her husband Aniruddh Dave:
Shubhi also posted an old video of the actor playing with his baby son on her Instagram stories. Here’s a screenshot of the video:
Aniruddh Dave is known for his performances in TV shows like Shakti – Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki, Woh Rehne Waali Mehlon Ki, Y.A.R.O Ka Tashan, Bandhan and Lockdown Ki Love Story.