The gross goods and services tax (GST) revenue collected in the month of April 2021 stood at an all-time high record of ₹ 1.41 lakh crore, said the Ministry of Finance in a statement released on Saturday, May 1. Out of the total gross GST revenue of Rs 1,41,384 crore, the central goods and services tax (CGST) stood at ₹ 27,837 crore, while state good and services tax (SGST) stood at ₹ 35,621 crore. According to the ministry, the GST revenue in April 2021, is the highest ever since the introduction of the GST system, surpassing the collections made in March 2021.
Additionally, the integrated goods and services tax (IGST) stood at Rs 68,481 crore (including ₹ 29,599 crore collected on the import of goods) and the cess was Rs. 9,445 crore (including ₹ 981 crore collected on import of goods). Keeping up with the trend of the recovery in the GST revenues over the last six months, the revenues in April 2021 are 14 per cent higher than the GST revenues registered in the previous month of March 2021
In April, the revenues from the domestic transactions, which includes the import of services, were 21 per cent higher than the revenues from the same sources in March 2021. The Finance Ministry added that the GST revenues have witnessed a steady increase and crossed the Rs 1 lakh crore mark consecutively for the last seven months. The main factors which have contributed to the steady increase in tax revenue are as follows:
- Deep data analytics through data from multiple sources using GST, Income Tax, Customs IT systems
- Closer monitoring against fake billing
- Effective tax administration
- In April 201, the government settled an amount of ₹ 29,185 crore to the CGST and a sum of ₹ 22,756 crore to SGST from IGST as regular settlement. Overall, the total revenue of the central government and the States after the regular and ad-hoc settlements stood at ₹ 57,022 crore for CGST and ₹ 58,377 crore for the SGST, in April 2021